

​Head Deacon: S. Douglas

Asst: Cleve Poponne 


Deacon Team:

Laibhen Excellent

Remington Moriah

Phillip Brown

Rohan Afflick

Gamar Virgin

Howard Dent

Kenrick Trim

Victor Bogle

Neville Nelson

Cleon Clarke

Lance Powell

Frederick Nairne

Michael McGhie

Damian Stewart

Patrick Belfort

Honorary: Herbert Bryan

Junior Deacons

Rafael Smith

Joshua Powell

Treyvon Brown

Sumner Allwaters

Malachi Demercado


The New Testament identifies the office of deacon with the Greek word diakonos, from which the English “deacon” is derived. The Greek word is variously interpreted as “servant, minister, writer, attendant” and in Christian circles has acquired the specialized meaning now attached to “deacon.” The men who came to be known as the seven deacons of the apostolic church were chosen and ordained to attend to the business of the church. (See Acts 6:1-8.) Their qualifications, slightly less exacting than those of elders, are listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. 

Deacons and deaconesses fulfill multiple roles at our church. They lead out in preparations for baptism and communion services. Ordained deacons and deaconesses officiate at the quarterly communion service. Deacons and deaconesses also participate in offering collection for various services.  Deacons and deaconesses also embark on a program of visiting sick and aged members.